Horizontal Load, Fibonacci—four related studies
Segment one, 12 x 12, Segment three, 12 x 12
Segment two, 16 x 12, Segment four, 14 x 12
Page size 9.75” x 7.5”
Circa 2019
Horizontal Load, Fibonacci—two related studies
13 x 13, 27 x 26
Horizontal Load, Fibonacci
39 x 39
Page size 9.75” x 7.5” doubled
52 x 52 (cropped at 49 x 52)
Horizontal Load, Fibonacci—three related studies
Segment one, odds and evens, 10 x 10
Segment two, evens, 12 x 12
Segment two, odds, 20 x 20
Page size 9.75”x 7.5”
Segment three, odds, 8 x 8
Segment three, evens, 26 x 26
Segment four, odds, 15 x 15
Segment four, evens, 16 x 16
Horizontal Load, Fibonacci—two studies with 10
The four segments
12 x 12, 24 x 24
Page size 11.5” x 8”
Circa 2017/2018
Horizontal Load, Fibonacci—with 10
36 x 36
Circa 2017/18
48 x 48
Page size 11.5” x 8” doubled
Horizontal Load, Fibonacci—two studies
18 x 26, 26 x 18
Circa 2016/17
36 x 52
Page size 8” x 11.5”
First segment 1,1,2,3,5,8
20 x20
Second segment 4,3,7,1,8,9
32 x32
Third segment 8,8,7,6,4,1
34 x34
Fourth segment 5,6,2,8,1,9
31 x31
First and second segment
1,1,2,3,5,8, 4,3,7,1,8,9
36 x52
Four Interlocking Spirals, Fibonacci
Location of odd numbers
25 x 25
Location of even numbers
Location of odd and even numbers
Horizontal Load, Fibonacci—multiple studies
24 x 24
Horizontal Interlocking, Lines
36 x 34
Circa 2015/17
Interlocking Spirals—multiple studies
Triangles Link, Horizontal
20 x 20
Page size 8” x 5” doubled
Circa 2012
23 x 23
Triangles Link, One Spiral—three related studies
10 x 10
Triangles Link, Horizontal—two related studies
10 x 10, 18 x 10
Horizontal Interlocking
18 x 18
Linear Link One Spiral—three related studies
1,2,3,4 10 x 10, 12 x 11, 11 x 11
Circa 2010
Linear Link One Spiral—four related studies
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2
11 x 11, 10 x 10, 6 x 6, 3 x 3
Linear Link One Spiral
21 x 21
Interlocking Horizontal Fibonacci—six related sets
18 x 1, 18 x 2, 18 x 3, 18 x 5, 18 x 13
Page size 5” x 8” doubled
Interlocking Horizontal—four related sets
18 x 2, 18 x 4, 18 x 8, 18 x 16
Interlocking Horizontal Configuration 18 x 30
Circa 2007
Interlocking Horizontal Configuration 18 x 31
Interlocking Horizontal Configuration 18 x 18
Interlocking Horizontal Configuration 18 x 24
Interlocking Horizontal Configuration 18 x 20